Apply Yoga for Solving, Nose and Throat Problems

The best way to keep your body healthy while staying at home is by doing Yoga. Instead of paying for the gym, you can pay for learning Yoga, that will be much more economical for you.
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Check: yoga school in Rishikesh

The major advantage of Yoga is that it can benefit the entire body (ears, nose, throat, etc.)....ear pain, blocked sinuses and acid reflux can all be taken care of using Yoga.

Balance Issues
A common reason for visiting the ENT clinic is balancing issues. Ears are an essential component of our balance system. As our age increases, the balance system starts becoming less reliable. Usually, people who visit ENT clinic, are sent to vestibular rehabilitation. It consists of exercises that help in relaxing the head and shoulder muscles.

Why go to the ENT clinic for exercise when you can do that in your home only? Yoga includes a lot of balancing poses that can help in maintaining the balance system. Poses like Tree pose and Eagle pose are good for people at the beginner level. These poses can be done with the support of a wall for people suffering from vertigo.

Check: residential yoga courses in Rishikesh

Yoga poses that assist in relaxing the head and neck are very important for people who are suffering from tinnitus (ringing in the ear).

Ear and Jaw Pain
Pain in the ear can be caused due to infection. However, sometimes it is not true. Jaw pain can also cause pain in your ears. Pain in your jaw is referred to as temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) and occurs because of chronic tension and/or teeth grinding (that happens while we sleep). “Relax the Jaw” a very important topic in yoga classes and when you apply it, you are preventing future jaw pains.

Check: yoga teacher training in Rishikesh

Acid Reflux
An issue that ENT clinics often treat is acid reflux. One of the common symptoms of acid reflux is the feeling of sour acid crawling up the back of your throat. It usually happens when food is eaten too fast or meals contains too much fat. In such a situation, mindful and careful eating is advisable.

Increasing the strength of your diaphragm is another way of preventing acid reflux. Yoga can help with that. Poses like Kapalabhati, Agni Sara Kriya helps improving diaphragm.

Check: Rishikesh yoga teacher training center

So, whether addressing ear pain by relaxing your jaw or doing Pranayama to help reduce sinus discomfort, we can take a proactive approach to our healthcare. Yoga can help you in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


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