11 Types of Yoga Affect Your Brain and Body

This world has a variety of yoga styles, ranging from physically demanding class to an easy, relaxing meditative class. In this article,  we will be discussing 11 types of Yoga:

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Hatha Yoga
Hatha, in Sanskrit, is an umbrella term for all physical postures of yoga. In the western world, this type of yoga simply refers to all the other styles of yoga like Ashtanga, Iyengar, etc., that are related to physical practice. This is the most popular type and has numerous styles. For beginners, Hatha is recommended.

Iyengar Yoga
Founded by B.K.S Iyengar, focuses on alignment as well as detailed and precise movements. In the class of Iyengar, students perform a variety of postures while controlling their breath. This type helps students to perfect their form and go deeper into poses in a safe manner.
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Kundalini Yoga
A combination of spiritual and physical practice, this type of yoga is all about releasing the kundalini energy in your body, which is usually trapped in the lower spine. The classes of Kundalini Yoga involve chanting, mantra and meditation.

Ashtanga Yoga
A term of Sanskrit, “Ashtanga” means eight-limb path. This type demands a physical sequence of postures, so definitely not for a beginner. Ashtanga consist of five sun salutation A’s along with five sun salutation B’s and then a sequence of standing and floor postures are done. This is a famous type in Mysore, India.

Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa….to place in a special way but in the case of yoga, it means postures. This type is considered the most athletic yoga style. Adopted from Ashtanga yoga in the 1980s, in these classes, the movements are coordinated with your breath and movement to flow from one pose to another.

Bikram Yoga
Named after Bikram Choudhury, this type features a sequence of set poses in a sauna- like room...typically set to 105 degrees and 40% humidity. The sequence consists of 26 basic postures, with each one performed twice. 
We, at Rishikesh Yog School, best yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, under the leadership of our guru Swami Rashpal Yogi, educate people about the various types of Yoga and provide 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh. Our mentors have a vast experience in the field of yoga and are practicing this art form for a very long time.

Our ashram is surrounded by the beauty of nature and is located in such a place, which is suitable for practicing Yoga.

Check: Rishikesh Yoga Teacher Training Center


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