Himalayan Yog Ashram Provides a Total Experience of Yogic Lifestyle
A stay in Himalayan Yog Ashram provides a total experience of yogic lifestyle with meaningful practices and sharing of knowledge on true yogic subjects. Yoga Practice The asana & pranayama class is a complete sequence of asanas, mudras, bandhas, and pranayama. Meditation & Satsang We meditate from 5.30am till 6.30am and from 6.00 pm till 7.00 pm. After lunch, there is space to share freely questions about spirituality, daily life situations. free time There is time for reading, reflecting, feeling inner and outer space. During your stay, we strongly recommend to stay tuned within and therefore to not be busy with sightseeing, shopping etc. For the benefit of your practice going out in Nature is soothing. There is a beautiful walk to the Beside waterfall. silence In general, we ask l guests to speak less and stay as much possible in silence to tune within. There are also specific moments of silence: - from the morning meditation up till breakfast - during all mea...