Benefits of Yoga | Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh

“Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured”.

                                                              _ By B.K Lyengar

The present eon trends for the acquisition of nobility in a human being’s life at every level. Turning this cunning world into a track of rat race, spoiling the true purpose of life. However, unfolding the blindfolds of many, yoga emphasizes on physical, intellectual and spiritual harmony to be the sole purpose of life.

The word “Yoga” originates from Sanskrit , means ‘to unite oneself, to oneself, through oneself’. Yoga exercises have a holistic effect and bring body, mind, consciousness and soul into balance. When the body is healthy, the mind is fresh , focus and stress are under control. Perhaps, reducing the swish and hustle in our daily lives giving us a quality lifestyle.

It transforms a person form inside out. Yoga is like a slow pill providing steady pleasure and long lasting results. It widens our vision, purify our thoughts, restore our values and embodies discipline in life. A relaxed mind with healthy body can perform extraordinarily in every field, maintain healthy relationships and can attain the ultimate powers of divine.
More: yoga teacher training in Rishikesh

Benefits of Yoga

Many campaigns have been carried out for the practice and awareness of  criticality of yoga throughout the globe, wakening the instinct of people to get out of the vicious circle of life and pledge a drop of their lives towards themselves, steping out of materiality and aspiring for healthy development for all. These campaigns brings together, people of varied backgrounds on one platform to be equal, perform yoga and enhance themselves physically and intellectually. One of
the biggest campaign being ‘The international yoga day’ that is ‘June 21st’ implemented by the United Nations suggested by Mr. Narendra Modi in September 2014.
Check: rishikesh yoga teacher training center

Moving further yoga not only contributes to improve our health but it also helps to cure a number of diseases, for instance, postural diseases, mental diseases, psychological disorders, obesity etc.
As a concluding note, yoga emphasize on improving physical fitness, increasing mental calmness, achieving personal growth and attaining spiritual truth altogether to which consistency is the key.
Read More: yoga ttc in rishikesh


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